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~Babu and Mommy Jokes - 4~

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Babu is seven years old and has lots of jokes to share. Have a blast with him...

Oct 27, 2013

Babu: What's better than a catapult?
Mommy: I don't know. What?
Babu: A dogapult!


Mommy: Why are you putting your jacket on the computer?
Babu: Because it's frozen!


Mommy (knocking on the bathroom door): What are you doing in there?
Babu: Playing basketball.
Mommy: That's not what the bathroom is for!
Babu: Oh yes it is—and I'm about to make a slam dunk in the poop hoop!


Babu: What's the cleanest, most cheerful thing in the world?
Mommy: I don't know. What?
Babu: Soap with hope!


Babu: What do you call two chickens having a game of chess?
Mommy: I don't know. What?
Babu: Fowl play!


Babu: What's the sickest, most irritating state in the U.S.?
Mommy: I don't know. What?
Babu: Ill-annoy!


Babu: How can you tell if a computer is in love?
Mommy: I don't know. How?
Babu: By the Google-y eyes!


Babu: What's the tastiest room in the world?
Mommy: I don't know. What?
Babu: A mushroom!


Babu: What did the dishwasher say when the kid filled it with tuna?
Mommy: I don't know. What?
Babu: "I'm a dishwasher, not a fishwasher!"


Babu: What's the longest book in the world to read?
Mommy: I don't know. What?
Babu: Facebook!

Read more Babu and Mommy Jokes: Babu and Mommy Jokes - 5

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